Sunday, October 15, 2006


Well, now I slept until one, feels like an improvement, but I really wanted to wake up this morning. I was also up until 5 am last night, I feel like a teenager on the weekends- won't go to sleep, no matter what. I don't know what that's about. I feel like it is alone time, but I think I could probably find other alone time if I tried. My cat is licking the blinds right now, it is sooooo annoying when she does that. I need to grade 100 papers, read about 75 pages, and critiqe two people's grant applications. I also need to remember to drop a class tomorrow and I should go to the grocery store and buy healthy food. I also need to clean. D is so good about both cleaning and going to the grocery store- it's just that I want to buy healthier foods. Also, the mess is all mine, and he just stacks it and never complains- it really isn't cool of me. I never thought of myself as lazy before because I always have so much on my plate, but I'm beginning to think I am lazy. I just don't want to do certain things, so I don't do them. Do you think yoga would help with self discipline? It's the same with diets- luckily I prefer healthy foods- but I'll eat a whole pizza without noticing, and I gain weight! I'm not one of those lucky skinny girls- my cholesteral is only good because I eat healthy 75% of the time, but my weight is no good because of those undisciplined spurges. Very bad. Want to get that under control as well. I don't need to lose 30 pounds- I was a coked out bartender three years ago when I was thin- but maybe 15? School, and losing my mom, has been a very weight gaining experience. Damn all those people who lose weight when they are stressed, or just had a baby. I doubt I'm one of those as well. Wow, I'm kind of down on myself right now, cuz I was going to add that D just walked in and asked what I made for breakfast, which I didn't, and then told me coffee was ready, which he made. He was joking around, but I feel bad, like not a good woman. I told him I'd go get him some coffee. Dog's barking... Hmm, just figued out link. I'll link the greatest bra info ever-here.
Damn, still don't know how to make it like my words link up. How do you do that?

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