Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Not much to say today. I had a great day- figures how a good day equals less blogging. I went to an awesome jazz lecture, which I recorded, so I'll try to figure out how to podcast it. There was a three person band there, who kept demonstrating what the lecturer meant by things. Some of it was way over my head, but I learned some things. Like I didn't realize that when I was listening to Charlie Parker I was listening to Bee Bop- I didn't realize Bee Bop was a reference to jazz at all. Somehow, sitting there, with that amazing music, calmed my nerves quite a bit. I talked to my dad and he encouraged me to go to the psychiatrist- which surprised me and made me think maybe I should strongly consider it. He said that aside from the fact that he loves me, he thinks I have a lot of talents to share with the world, and it would be a shame if I got sidetracked because of poor health or anxiety. I didn't know he thought that, it was so sweet, it was all I could do to not tear up on the bus. He also said that age has given him wisdom, and that the goal is to keep living, and to live at your highest quality- which includes highest mental quality. I still haven't made the appointment, but he was very convincing, and so nice! Oh, also, is it a full moon? The wackos came into the bookstore tonight- making it a very fun evening. I also connected with a person that I've met a number of times, but never had a chance to have a long conversation with. We talked for a long time today, and it was great. God, my cat just won't keep coming and going out the door. I am trying to keep it closed because the laundry machine is so loud, but she cries from the inside and cries from the outside! Spoiled kitty. I think D is mad because he cleaned the apartment- I'm not sure why I think that, except that I don't do it...

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