Saturday, October 14, 2006

first time ever

I never heard of people reading blogs until last night. I though blogs were just for people traveling or doing fieldwork, and had nothing to do with anything else. I'm thinking a lot about it today, about how I feel like I don't really know myself, and so the people I meet can't be faulted for putting me in a bracket I don't belong in. I am not sure why it appeals to me to anonymously inform everybody of my deepest darkest fears and secrets and stupid things I notice, and realizations, but I think I want to.


Kim said...

Sharing your secrets anonymously is a desire a lot of us have - along with the desire to let our voices be heard! Welcome to the world of blogging!

Anonymous said...

Sam said...

Hey Brightside,

thanks for the pleasant comments regarding my blog, you don't need to be a Muslim in order to read about the religion in the same way that I'm not a Christian/Jew/Hindu/Buddhist but have studied many of these religions.